It is defined as the evolution of the previous one, better chassis and performance for a better position in the overall competition. This year several students worked as a team, improving the first version. Like the first one, it is combustion and we keep it with the previous one in the workshop.

The pioneers in designing and manufacturing the first motorcycle in our small Engineering School. Special mention to the team of students who with enthusiasm embarked on this project and took forward the first combustion motorcycle a few years ago, which we still keep with great affection in our workshop.

First contact and totally drastic change towards electrified. We thought it would be a better option to switch to the electric competition to learn more and come out better prepared after the experience. Although we had to start from scratch, we did a very good job with the resources we had and got a well-deserved 13th place out of 50 participants.

En esta cuarta edición se presentó un equipo con mayor número de participantes hasta la fecha, muchos alumnos con ganas de aprender y trabajar en el proyecto. A pesar de no poder competir debido a un incidente con la batería del prototipo, el equipo consiguió un meritoso puesto por encima de las demás facultades de la Universidad del País Vasco, así como un cuarto puesto en el plan de marketing/financiero.